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Sri Venkateswara Bala Mandir
Sri Venkateswara Bala Mandir (SVBM) is an orphanage established in 1943. Its objective is to identify destitutes, feed and educate them, and work towards their rehabilitation in society. SVBM is a charitable institution run with TTD funds.

SVBM looks after the boarding and lodging of the destitutes during the course of their study. Separate accommodation is provided for boys and girls, in a spacious building.

The number of inmates is restricted to 500. Children should be in the age group of five-ten years at the time of admission. Further, they should have no record of crime, for which suitable evidence needs to be produced. Besides the regular subjects of study, vocational courses like tailoring and typing are included in the curriculum.

SVBM organises special feeding for destitutes, on festivals and other important national holidays.

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